The Johnson Pyramid Of Programmer Greatness.

I’m a big fan of an NBC sitcom called “Parks and Recreation“.

I’ve had this as my desktop background at home for a few months. It has inspired me to try my hand at using the concept to inspire my fellow developers and engineers.

Explaining how you can be as good as me isn’t easy.  It requires large, complicated charts (and pop culture references). [pause for laughter]

Here it is, the ‘Johnson Pyramid of Programmer Greatness’ (we’ll say it’s about… 80% serious):

Johnson Pyramid of Programmer Greatness

Also available in a laser-printer friendly Black and White:

Johnson Pyramid of Programmer Greatness - BW

The full-sized image is approximately 48 by 36 inches @ 150dpi, but the form factor will scale down to fit on US letter-sized paper. I hope you enjoy it. I, for one, will be plastering it all over my place of employment.

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1 Response to The Johnson Pyramid Of Programmer Greatness.

  1. tbonelaforge says:

    hahah! Your’s is almost as awesome as Mr. Swanson’s!

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